

Social CNH: Find out how to get your free CNH

CNH Social

Did you know that you can get your driver's license through the CNH Social Program? Being qualified to drive a vehicle is a highly sought-after goal. In addition to being synonymous with autonomy and freedom, it is also a plus for finding good…

Consult FGTS: Check how much you are owed

Consultar FGTS

Years of work under the CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws) accumulate some benefits. However, not everyone is well aware of their rights and how to access them. Consulting FGTS (Funds for Severance Pay), for example, is not a habit among workers. The fact is that, with the new…

Check CPF: See if your name is clean

Consultar CPF

Especially if you live in Brazil, you will certainly need to check your CPF at some point in your life. The number of people in debt in the country is quite high. In fact, data shows that almost 801,000 people have some type of debt…

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